Regional airports program takes off

Regional Airport owners and operators will soon be able to apply for a share in $100 million of funding for safety upgrades as part of the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government’s new Regional Airports Program. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the guidelines are now available, giving…


Inspector-General sets up shop in Mildura

Mildura is set to become home to the Inspector-General of Murray-Darling Basin Water Resources, with one of the two offices being set up in the city. Minister for Water Resources David Littleproud said the new office was a significant step that would restore confidence in delivery of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. “I’ve always said the…


Funding boost to support veteran community

MORE than $875,000 of funding will be delivered to 68 projects across Australia under the Veteran and Community Grants (V&CG) and Men’s Health Peer Education (MHPE) programs. Federal Member for Mallee, Dr Anne Webster said this funding allows local community organisations to support veterans and their families. “The V&CG and MHPE programs help organisations deliver…
