Regional Health – Private Members’ Business

When you’re sick and you need a doctor, it should not be a herculean task to get an appointment. However, doctor shortages exacerbate poorer health outcomes for everyone, in particular those in regional and rural towns. I can speak for my experience in Mallee. In the 46th Parliament I worked hard with the then Minister…


Vale Tony Driscoll

A statement from Dr Anne Webster MP: I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing the Northern Grampians Mayor Tony Driscoll. Cr Driscoll was a dedicated and kind man who gave himself in service to his community to make Northern Grampians a thriving place to live and work. He was a strong advocate for…


No commitment for urgent care clinics in Mallee

Labor have not yet confirmed whether their election promise to implement at least 50 Medicare urgent care clinics will be implemented in regional Australia. Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Federal Member for Mallee Anne Webster said the government have failed to provide any assurances that the clinics will be in regional locations. “Regional…


Press Conference Parliament House – Murray Darling Basin

28 July 2022 – Transcript – Parliament House, Canberra – Topics: Murray-Darling Basin Plan EO&E………………………………………………………… Perin Davey: Right. Well, thank you all very much for coming this afternoon. The reason why we’ve called you here is that today we saw the Minister for Water, Tanya Plibersek, mislead the chamber. The Minister stood up in response…


The Great Registration Race for DonateLife Week

The Great Registration Race for DonateLife Week is on now to encourage 100,000 more Australians to sign up. One organ donor can save up to 7 lives and help many more through eye and tissue donation. There are currently about 1,750 seriously ill people on Australia’s organ transplant waitlist hoping for a potentially life saving…


Labor makes ABCC a Toothless Tiger

This week the Federal Labor Government announced they would be reducing the Australian Building and Construction Commission’s (ABCC) powers ‘to a bare minimum.’ Federal Member for Mallee and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development, Anne Webster said that the decision demonstrated that the Albanese Labor Government is determined to put unchecked unions and their bosses…


Albanese’s Record Low Sitting Calendar since WW2

The Albanese government has laid claim to changing politics with more transparency and integrity.  Dr Anne Webster, the Member for Mallee and Shadow Assistant Minster for Regional Development, argues the government has not started well, with the least number of parliamentary sitting days since WWII. Since Federation, only four years, 1916 and 1925, 1934 and…


Cuts to Telehealth will Hurt Regional Communities

When telehealth became permanent for Australians during the pandemic under the former Coalition Government, it provided a lifeline for patients in regional communities. The new Labor Minister for Health and Aged Care has decided to discontinue funding to critical Telehealth features such as phone consultations over 20 minutes, initial specialist consultations, plus some disability and…


Labor’s FMD measures leave us vulnerable

Federal Member for Mallee and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development Anne Webster has called for the urgent attention of the Federal Labor Government in their response to foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Australia. Dr Webster said the government’s response to the disease doesn’t go far enough and leaves the agriculture community vulnerable. “The…


Gas pipeline monopoly must be addressed by ACCC

The Carisbrook- Horsham gas pipeline operates with Energy Australia as the only provider with access to the service opportunity. With only one operator at play, sky-rocketing prices have been a cause of alarm for many people. Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Member for Mallee, Anne Webster said that the monopoly on the pipeline…
