Bonza cancellations a blow to regional travel

The cancellation of Bonza’s flights places serious doubt over its future, and is distressing for Mildura families Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says. “Affordable air travel to and from Mildura is essential,” Dr Webster said. “Bonza opened the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast to families by providing an affordable direct route and a cheaper,…


VHM shows ‘contempt’ for Mallee farmers

Mining company VHM has displayed contempt for the community in its planning and assessment of environmental effects for its Goschen Rare Earth and Mineral Sands Project near Lalbert, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says. Dr Webster met with VHM last week, telling the company she would back the farming community whose livelihoods are put…


Labor’s let down on council funding

Labor has let down local Governments by failing to deliver on its promise of increased funding, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says. After initially stalling any funding increases by opening an Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability, the Labor-controlled committee responsible has had to extend the deadline for submissions to the end of May. “Pushing…


Labor reveals its true Nature in costly environmental double-up

The Albanese Labor Government’s revised Nature Positive proposals are only positive for bloated bureaucracy and more green tape for business, farmers and other job creators, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster. The second stage of Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s ‘Nature Positive Plan’ creates a new Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a new organisation called…


Albo’s Future Made in Australia already failing to launch

Industry groups and Labor’s own hand-picked Productivity Commission Chair have already shot down Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s 2024-25 budget centrepiece, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says. Labor’s proposed Future Made in Australia Act claims to drive investment into new and existing manufacturing and clean-energy technology projects. “Economists have already labelled this proposal as inflationary,…


Plibersek mysteriously turns 58GL Victorian water projects back on

Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek mysteriously reinstated federal funding for 58 gigalitres of Victorian Murray Darling Basin Plan projects today in an embarrassing backdown, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says. The Minister was withholding funding for Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism (SDLAM) projects because Victoria had refused to join the NSW, Queensland and South…
