The 2020-21 Federal Budget – all about jobs

The 2020 Federal Budget sets out a clear plan for the economic recovery of Australia – confidently driven by a positive outlook for rural Australia – in the wake of a year that has so far delivered drought, floods, fires and a global pandemic, the Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, said last night. “COVID-19…


Regional Roadmap an Afterthought

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, has today slammed Premier Andrew’s decision to class the entirety of regional Victoria as a single unit as ‘beyond belief’. “The fact that Premier Andrews had to return to the podium to address regional Victoria after finishing his statements on Melbourne and handing over to health officials is typical…


Border Fight Continues – Column 04/09/2020

The decision by the NSW Government to enact a new border region is welcome, making daily life easier, especially for those who were only just excluded from the previous bubble. For example, those living in Koorlong, Quambatook, Manangatang and Werrimull will now have much more flexibility. But I believe that border closures should never have…


Delivering for Mallee Basin communities

Today’s Murray–Darling Communities Investment Package means an overhaul of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.  A $230 million investment in regional communities, which will create jobs, economic activity and healthy rivers. Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia, Keith Pitt, and Member for Mallee Anne Webster said the 11 new initiatives in the Package would keep the…


Webster welcomes NSW-Vic border break-through

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, has welcomed a NSW Government decision to extensively revise its COVID-19 border-control rules from Friday morning, enabling local residents to routinely cross the border. “This will mean that the bulk of people needing to enter either NSW or cross into Victoria – within the declared border region – will…


Change needed at Borders now.

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, has welcomed National Cabinet moves towards an ‘Agriculture Workers Code’ to synchronise coronavirus-related state border closures, but warns the need for cross-border movement in border regions is immediate and that she might yet have to ask parliament to intervene. With Federal parliament due to sit this week, Dr Webster…


NSW Border Restrictions and Seasonal Workers

Federal Member for Mallee, Anne Webster MP, welcomes the announcement by NSW that Seasonal workers within the border zone will be able to travel across the border for work. “These workers are essential to the horticulture industry on both sides of the river, required for picking citrus, propagating grape vines and planting trees,” Dr Webster…


Great news for Rainbow Men’s Shed

The Australian Government is continuing to support the health and wellbeing of men in Mallee through a grant under the 20th funding round of the National Shed Development Programme. Member for Mallee, Anne Webster welcomed the decision by the Australian Government to award the Rainbow Men’s Shed with funding of $5,500. “I’m pleased the Rainbow…


Statement – NSW increased border restrictions

“It’s unfortunate that the New South Wales Government has once again moved the goalposts on the issue of our State borders. The announcement to further restrict travel across the border has come as a surprise to many, and has created more anxiety in our community. I have been contacted by a large number of people…


JobKeeper Payment and the Coronavirus Supplement extended for Mallee businesses and households

The JobKeeper program and the Coronavirus Supplement have been extended under the next phase of our support for affected businesses and households. This unprecedented economic support for local businesses and their workers is helping the Mallee community through the COVID-19 pandemic and bolstering our economic recovery. Under the Morrison/McCormack Government’s next phase of support, the…
