Labor’s bulk billing failure

The Albanese Labor Government’s tripling of the Bulk Billing Incentive Payments is a signature Labor policy with a good headline but no positive impact for the majority of Australians, Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Anne Webster says. General Practitioners receive triple the current Medicare incentive to bulk bill concession card holders and children under…


NFF’s strong stance welcomed

Member for Mallee Anne Webster has congratulated the Wimmera’s David Jochinke on his election as President of the National Farmers Federation, and lauded his strong stance calling out the Albanese Labor Government’s appalling treatment of farming communities. “Labor appear to have taken a scorched earth mantra to their policy decisions without any concern for the…


Dark day for Basin communities as Murray Darling Basin Bill passes lower house

The Albanese Labor Government has taken one more step towards ending all bipartisanship on the Murray Darling Basin Plan, Member for Mallee Anne Webster says. Water Minister Tanya Plibersek’s Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023 passed the House of Representatives today, bringing buy backs one step closer. “Minister Plibersek knows the trauma and damage…


Basin Plan meeting for Mildura

Federal Members representing communities along the Murray Darling Basin as well as members of the Coalition’s Agriculture Backbench Committee will hold a town hall meeting in Mildura on Tuesday, October 3 to discuss the Albanese Labor Government’s proposed amendments to the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The meeting, from 4pm at the Alfred Deakin Centre Benetook…


Nationals Federal Conference backs regional health

The Nationals Federal Conference has backed two key health policy recommendations to alleviate workforce issues in Regional Australia, Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Anne Webster says. The Conference unanimously supported reintroducing a stronger “on the job” hospital-based nurse education requirement for regional nursing students, which would allow students to study and start work earlier…
