The Stronger Communities Programme supports the Australian Government’s commitment to deliver social benefits in communities across Australia by funding small capital projects in each of the 151 Federal Electorates.

The Programme will provide up to $150,000 to each Federal Electorate with grant amounts between $2,500 to $20,000 for eligible projects.

The Stronger Communities Programme Round 8 is now receiving Expressions of Interest in the Electorate of Mallee for local community organisations.

For the Programme guidelines, click here

For Frequently Asked Questions, click here

Click here for the Programme factsheet.

The objective of the programme is to deliver social benefits for local communities. The intended outcomes of the programme are to:

  • Encourage and support participation in local projects
  • Improve local community participation
  • Contribute to vibrant and viable communities

A consultation committee from the local community will support me to identify and nominate prospect applicants and projects in the electorate for the official application round.

Important dates and process to remember

2nd March (5pm) – Expression Of Interest applications need to be submitted.

6th – 9th March – consultation committee will meet for consideration of all EOI applications and to identify successful projects.

Successful organisations nominated will be notified by the Department of Industry, Science Energy and Resources and will be required to register in the grants portal and complete an online application form.

31 December 2023 – Latest program completion date.

If you have any questions regarding this grant, please contact my office on (03) 5021 5987 or email