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MP welcomes good news on Murray-Darling Basin salinity management

Water managers from across the Murray–Darling Basin have come together today to continue their collective and successful efforts to manage salinity at the 3rd Basin Salinity Forum.

Member for Mallee, Anne Webster, welcomed the good news that the salinity target for the Murray-Darling Basin was met for the 12th consecutive year, in 2020-21.

“These salinity targets are reached thanks to federal, state and territory governments working together,” Dr Webster said.

“In practical terms, what this means is that in the past year, more than 452,000 tonnes of salt were diverted from the river and adjacent landscapes with the use of 14 salt interception schemes.

“That’s almost half a million tonnes of salt prevented from affecting the quality of our water supply.

“Another indication of success has been that measured river salinities at Morgan are the lowest since joint salinity management started.”

The milestones and success stories were shared at the bi-annual forum today where salinity managers, river operators and environmental water managers met to share knowledge and experiences about best-practice salinity management.

“Salinity hasn’t gone away – it’s being actively and purposely managed because governments remain committed to this significant natural resource management program,” Dr Webster said.

“The online forum was attended by presenters with specific expertise in water management and representatives with an interest in the health of the Basin and its river communities.

“The various agencies closely monitor and carefully manage salinity levels in the Basin’s rivers to mitigate harm to the natural environment, crops, livestock and people.

“The Murray–Darling Basin produces more than $22 billion worth of food and fibre a year and is home to more than two million people, therefore water quality is paramount.”
For more information on salinity management visit Salinity in the Murray–Darling Basin | Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Anne Webster MP