Farmers and Mallee irrigation communities need to have their say on the mechanisms for water buybacks, the Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says, as the Albanese Labor Government Restoring Our Rivers Act draft framework consultation runs for three more weeks.
Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has three new framework programs out for public consultation, claiming her Government will deliver the Murray Darling Basin Plan in full, including the extra 450 gigalitres of water recovery.
“Federal Labor is thirsty for more water buybacks through their new Voluntary Water Purchase program, which will devastate regional irrigation communities across the Basin,” Dr Webster said.
“The Minister will dangle the carrot for ‘willing sellers’ – more likely distressed sellers looking to exit the industry. Exiting irrigators leaves less farmers to pay for water infrastructure upkeep and our districts become patchwork quilts of irrigated and dry land.”
Dr Webster said the flow-on effects of less water for irrigation would destroy communities and hurt families during a cost-of-living crisis.
“River communities become ghost towns when Governments waltz in and rip water out,” Dr Webster said. “It is important Mallee residents have their say on this framework to show the Minister her water recovery fantasies are a living nightmare in irrigation communities. Ag machinery dealers and transport companies lose business, families leave the district, kids are no longer enrolled in schools, local sporting clubs lose players and teams, and less money is spent at our small businesses.”
“Australian families also take a hit at the supermarket checkout because when the Government makes it harder to produce Australia’s food and fibre. Water is vital for our communities but Labor is acquiring it as political capital to meet Basin Plan targets on paper and fend off Green challenges in metro seats.”
Minister Plibersek also launched the Resilient River Project at the end of January which allows participating State Governments – not Victoria – to propose new water saving infrastructure projects.
“Minister Plibersek is punishing Victorians for the Victorian government rightly refusing to sign up to her new Basin Plan,” Dr Webster said. “Does she want to save more water or does she want to exploit Victoria to help her stave off the Green threat in her own electorate?”
The Minister’s third program out for consultation – the Sustainable Communities Program – adjusts the assistance for Basin communities impacted by buybacks.
“The Minister tore up the socioeconomic neutrality test The Nationals ensured all Basin states agreed on. The test safeguarded river communities from the harmful effects of buybacks,” Dr Webster said. “Having taken the safety barriers away, the Minister wants to throw compensation to communities for a problem her plan creates – it is a disgrace.”
Consultation on the draft framework closes on March 4, visit Consultation hub | Draft Restoring our Rivers Framework – Climate ( for more information.
Media contact Angus Dearlove 0427 310 770