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Labor’s political games fan the flames of unemployment

Labor’s Industrial Relations Laws will drive more people out of work with unemployment already rising under the Albanese Government, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says.

The unemployment rate in Australia is at a two year high of 4.1 per cent according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, with Labor’s heavy-handed IR legislation to only make things worse.

“Labor’s shambolic Industrial Relations Bill pays back their union masters tenfold and buries employers in red tape,” Dr Webster said.

“The Albanese Labor Government doesn’t care about the job creators of this country, Labor only cares about strategic politics for city votes and not about creating jobs. Labor is making business harder, if not impossible, for employers who will either hire less people or simply shut down. Regional car dealerships, alone, face layoffs or even closure from Labor’s family car tax desperately designed to pump up Electric Vehicle takeup in the city. Everywhere you look, Labor are hammering regional Australia.

“Higher costs of doing business damages Australia’s productivity and pushes unemployment even higher, spelling disaster for families of these people who won’t be able to put food on the table or clothes on their children’s backs.”

Labor’s industrial relations laws will hit farming, transport, hospitality and the already-in-crisis construction industry in Mallee.

Insolvencies in construction are at a five year high across the country and builders are taking 40 per cent longer to pay their suppliers, according to credit reporting agency Equifax.

A shortage of skilled tradies is adding to the pressure, leaving families hoping to build their own home in limbo.

Trade training has already collapsed under Labor and the situation will only get worse once the IR laws take effect,” Dr Webster said.

“Labor is disgracefully out of touch with small business and the reality in the workplace, especially in regional Australia.”

Anne Webster MP