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Labor’s embarrassing U-turn on emissions standards

The Albanese Labor Government has been forced to back down from it reckless and rushed National Vehicle Efficiency Standards, Member for Mallee Dr Anne Webster says.

“Energy Minister Chris Bowen and Transport Minister Catherine King embarrassingly had to backflip on their proposed National Vehicles Emissions Scheme (NVES) after the Coalition shamed them into listening to local dealerships, peak bodies and vehicle manufacturers,” Dr Webster said.

“The Nationals have stood with regional dealers because together we knew from the start these changes were heavy handed, rushed, and terrible for regional Australia. Labor’s original proposal would have driven up the cost of Australia’s favourite family cars and work utes in regions to subsidise Electric Vehicles largely bound for the cities. I have been proud to highlight the plight of Mallee dealers such as Horsham’s Wade Morrow who said:

“… we can’t get electric utes that have any sort of range at all … so (Labor) are taking away choice and the actual technology hasn’t arrived here in Australia yet. There’s one or two out there but not good options so that’s really limiting what farmers, tradespeople and people who want that choice of a ute as a lifestyle vehicle – it’s really impacting people in a big way.”

Dr Webster said the risk in Labor’s initial proposal would result in manufacturers leaving the Australian market and rob customers of choice. Labor will now soften the emissions targets and reclassify some heavy SUVs as light commercial vehicles, and therefore subject to less onerous targets.

“Labor is being forced into policy on the run after being hit hard by the reality they are out of touch with regional Australians,” Dr Webster said.

“Electric vehicles are well and good in the inner city but do not cut the mustard in regional Australia where infrastructure is insufficient to serve the technology.”

The Labor government sought to copy the United States’ Fuel Efficiency Standards but this week the US walked back their policy, highlighting Labor’s failure in rushing this legislation without properly and transparently consulting.

“Minister Bowen and Labor have bad track record of this rushed, bombastic behaviour – look at Australia’s reckless rush to renewables compared to other major economies such as China who contribute significantly more to global emissions,” Dr Webster said.

“The Albanese Labor Government is also ploughing ahead with wind turbines and transmission lines, tearing up prime agricultural land with no thought for the farmers and communities railroaded by these projects.”

Dr Webster said Minister Bowen was repeatedly being shown to be out of his depth.

“We all want to see cleaner cars and utes as we do our bit towards reducing emissions by 2050,” Dr Webster said.

“But Labor’s proposed New Vehicle Efficiency Standard will add thousands of dollars to the cars that Australians love to drive.”

Anne Webster MP