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Government to act on southern Murray-Darling Basin water sharing report

The Interim Inspector-General of Murray-Darling Basin Water Resources Mick Keelty has presented his report into water sharing arrangements in the southern Basin to the Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia Keith Pitt.“Mr Keelty’s inquiry focused on the water sharing arrangements in the Murray-Darling Basin and how they work with state water allocation policies” Minister Pitt said.“This report reinforces the need to improve the transparency, accessibility and availability of information about Murray-Darling Basin water matters.“I accept the five key recommendations of Mr Keelty and I have directed both my department and Murray Darling Basin Authority to take action to implement them.“It’s important to remember that this is one of three key inquiries that together will help guide Commonwealth and state governments’ policies around the management of the Murray-Darling Basin.The others are the Sefton Report into socio-economic circumstances among Basin communities and the ACCC inquiry into the water market,” Minister Pitt said.Anne Webster the Federal Member for Mallee welcomed the report but acknowledged that some would find it disappointing. Dr Webster said, ‘Some had hoped this report would lead to water management changes that would result in more water to irrigators. What this report highlights is that changes cannot be made without impacting other water users and risking next years water supply’.“Ultimately, what this report calls for is greater transparency as the key to restoring confidence that the system is being managed efficienctly and there is accountability in place.”“Some myths were busted in the report findings, for example, contrary to popular belief, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) has the same allocation, same licences and must comply with the same rules as other irrigators.“Another finding highlights the difference between State water allocation policy, which defines how reliable water licences are. States that spread their water around a larger number of users, or allocate aggressively after rain, tend to run out of water first,” Dr Webster said.‘I am pleased to say that the Commonwealth is working with NSW and QLD governments to improve metering, water monitoring methods and remote sensing’.“I also welcome today’s ABARES report confirming Australia is one of the most food secure nations in the world despite the drought and the future outlook is even more positive.”Minister Pitt thanked the Interim Inspector-General for the detailed work that went into his report.“Mr Keelty met directly with over a thousand Basin residents, undertook 80 additional interviews and considered 354 public submissions during his inquiry.“I would also like to acknowledge all those people who gave up their time to provide insights and ideas to assist the inquiry,” Minister Pitt said.Dr Webster said, “We know this has been a difficult time for irrigators and irrigation communities throughout the southern Basin. They’ve faced drought, bushfires, and now COVID-19.”“This report is not the end of Mr Keelty’s engagement with Basin communities.“He had intended to return to present his findings in person but the COVID-19 means Mr Keelty will now explain his findings to any community members who are interested through an online webinar.”“What we can and will do now is implement Mr Keelty’s recommendations. I look forward to reporting progress on that in the months to come,” Minister Pitt said.Interim Inspector-General Keelty’s investigation report can be found here. The scope of his inquiry is outlined here.

Anne Webster MP