Proud of our flag

While Adam Bandt, believes he is combatting racism by shunning the Australian flag, I would argue he is in fact promoting it, and he ought to be ashamed of himself. Our flag is a noble symbol that unites all Australians, whether new citizens or those born here, embracing all of our heritage. I can remember…

Visa Wait Times will Rise

One of my immediate concerns of the incoming Labor Government is their history of disconnect on regional issues and with regional people. The Labor Government’s contempt for regional businesses and people is on full display with their management of the Department of Home Affairs. As the Australian Financial Review reported this week, the government has…

It’s time we talk about nuclear power

If we are serious about a greener future, we need to talk about nuclear energy. The occasional public debate about nuclear energy has historically been hijacked by fear and falsehoods. Historical disasters and the Simpsons have educated us. Nuclear is currently used to produce energy in 31 countries around the world. But, Australia is not…

Spotlight on Regional Banking

Access to banking services is becoming increasingly difficult for regional Australians. In the 4 years leading up to June 2021, 25% of regional bank branches closed or significantly reduced their hours. These closures, and reduced hours, are incredibly frustrating for locals, particularly those who are unable to use online services to conduct their banking. Once…

Merry Christmas 2021

Merry Christmas. Christmas for me is all about connecting with loved ones and celebrating life. You, like me, may not be able to recite the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’, but the anticipation expressed by Clement Clarke Moore is very real, especially if we have little ones who just cannot wait for tomorrow to…

Regional Training Essential for Bush Healthcare

Your health care should not be determined by your postcode. Here in Mallee, we are fortunate to have wonderful, skilled professionals who dedicate their working lives to providing excellent health care for our community. But they also experience great fatigue and strain due to workforce shortages. These pressures go beyond COVID, despite the unprecedented burden…

Volunteers the Unsung Heroes

Volunteers are the unsung heroes of our local communities. They are the ones helping to put meals on the tables, assisting the elderly, providing friendship for the lonely, giving counsel and comfort to the fragile, keeping our local sports clubs running, and providing a vibrant social calendar for the locals. There is so much that…

Religious Bill a Shield, Not a Sword

Protections against discrimination are a hallmark of free civil society. In recent census results, most Australians aligned themselves with a religious faith, with only 30% of Australians nominating ‘no religion’. This week in Parliament, the Federal Government took an important step to provide people of faith with the protections they deserve through the introduction of…

Sensible Australians Voice Concern

Disturbing images have emerged from the protests in Melbourne this week. It is disappointing that the behaviour of the minority taint the behaviour of the vast majority of those who have peacefully protested. This behaviour is inexcusable. I stand with the Prime Minister who this week rightly condemned the acts when he said that the…